Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Some opinions about the American dream by Dina

Dear friends,
I need some help if you can. I have a school project. Please tell me what you think about the following question: Do you still believe in the American Dream? What were your thoughts about “America” (as they call it) before coming to the US? Is it what you expected?
Thanks for your help
Leo Amaya, Cesar Rivera, Salvador Duran, Eduardo Flores, Roberto Fuentes, Vilma Gonzalez, Maggie Garcia, Gladys Merlos, Noe-meé González-Lemus, William Hernandez
Top of Form 1

Noe-meé González-Lemus Hummm good question Dina!
It all depends what the “American Dream” means to each individual. Let me give you a brief summary of my personal achievements while living in the United States.
I lived in one of the poorest areas in El Salvador. I attended one of the worst schools from my city at that time. Like every poor child, I always desired to have candy, nice shoes (out of the uniform style), a bicycle, a nice backpack to take to school, etc...Whenever I heard a foreigners speak a different language around me, I wanted to have a conversation with them…I never did, nor would my parents have ever achieved those things for me in “El Salvador”.
I came to the States, and I knew it was going to be different…so guess what?
I went to an awesome high school, learned to speak English, I’ve met people from all over the world, partied like a kid in their 20s should, and graduated from college.
Yes. I am not rich, but the opportunities I’ve been given in this country are limitless compared to what I would have gotten in El Salvador.
The results are = I have an awesome job at one of the best media companies, I’ve traveled a bit, I never got a bicycle, but my Lexus compensated a bit for that. These are not bragging rights, this is just a piece of the “American Dream Pie” that I want to share with you.

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