Saturday, December 1, 2012

references, citations


Montgomery, Tommie Sue. Revolution in El Salvador. 2nd Ed. United States, Colorado, 1995.

opinions or conclusions, and some statistics- Dina G

Gonzalez 1
Dina Gonzalez
English 101
Ms. Augustine

Some facts about the Hispanics views of the American Dream
·        All agree on one thing – The American dream is individual, it means different things for everybody. Opinions are mostly influenced by age of arrival.
o       If individuals came at very young ages, they were mostly concerned about reuniting with their families.
o       If individuals came as teenagers (my case), I knew life would be better. A new world, another language, an easier life, a simpler life
o       If individuals came as adults, they have one goal. Help the families left behind financially. Means more food on the table, more money to spend on the basic things like shoes, clothes, education. The goal is to make life in a third world country less complicated.
·        All have in mind one thing – work, work, and work
·        All have one purpose – attain economic stability
·        All share the same goal – provide for their children or other family members
·        All have the same views about the American dream – The land of opportunities, the land of Freedom
·        All knew that coming here meant to work in at least one of  the following industries:
o       Food industry – bus boys, dish washers, waiters, cashiers
o       Agriculture – picking strawberries, tomatoes,
o       Accommodation – hotel cleaning crew, janitors, cooks
o       Manufacturing – sewing, assembling lines
o       Private households – house maids, cleaning houses, babysitters, home aides (sick persons)
o       Construction – construction labor, painters, carpenters, plumbers, electricians
Most have adapted to the culture and diversity. For the ones living here, going back to their countries is not a choice. They valued all the opportunities given. They have a feeling of accomplishment because of the things they have obtained. The possibilities of making it better in the US are a lot better if comparing with their country.
An ABC article declares the following: “The new numbers show that 340,252 people were detained at the border in last fiscal year. That number represents a 58 percent decline since 2008, and a significant drop from the 1.6 million caught in 2000”
“Immigration experts say such declines likely result from a combination of the struggling U.S. economy and increased border enforcement, beginning under the Bush Administration and continuing under President Obama”
Personally I agree with the article, but that it also proves that people are still taking a chance and risks. They’ll keep trying to make here somehow, someway, someday.

Friday, November 30, 2012

A very small piece of the American dream - Dina G

A Better Life or a very small piece of the American dream

History of a 3rd world country  
One of the smallest country in America
One of the most densely populated in Central America
About the size of Massachusetts
Known as the "Tom Thumb of the Americas"
Aka “The Valley of Hammocks

Natural disasters          
Volcanic activity – October 2005
Combination of both
Powerful earthquakes - October 1986, January 13, 2001and February 13, 2001 (7.7)
Every year is hit with heavy rainstorms or hurricanes
Civil war          
Revolutionary movement 1979
Civil war started in 1980
Civil war ended in 1992
It is estimated that 75,000 people died during the conflict, most of them civilians

1960s there were only about 10,000 residing in the U.S.
During the conflict 500,000-1,000,000 immigrated to the U.S.
U.S. has always been involved

Negative vs. Positive
U.S. has been accused of providing funds, and training to the armed forces – purpose was to combat the guerrilla/leftists
U.S. provided political asylum during the war.
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) – allows them to work only, usually given right after a big natural disaster

Population was content until the civil war.
American dream for Salvadoreans meant freedom, life, security, stability.
now it means opportunities, education, a better life for our children and supporting families left behind
US residents support families in El Salvador
remittances constitute as much as 17% of the country’s GDP

risking it all- Dina G

trying to cross the border- Dina G

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

just another illegal way to travel- Dina G

The above picture shows the danger some immigrants put themselves through hoping they'll make it to US territory for the chance of a better life. This picture is part of a report broadcasted on November 2, 2012 by ABC 7.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

American dream opinions - not in the US by Dina G

Queridos Amigos,
Por favor, si me pueden dar una ayudadita para una tarea escolar.
Para todos los que no viven o no conocen la USA (como dicen por hay), podrian decirme cual es el primer pensamiento cuando escuchan la frase “El sueño Americano” ? Que piensan de Estados Unidos, de la vida aqui?
Gracias por su ayuda :-)
Alee Soto, Cesia Abigail Galvez Guerra, Daniel Bolaños, Alma Cardona, Edwin Castaneda, Jp El Del Flow Divino Ponce, Katya Soto, Wil Romero, Manuel Martinez
Top of Form 1
 Alee Soto “El sueño Americano”? Que piensan de Estados Unidos, de la vida aquí?

Es el cambio de vida mejor que se imaginan las personas, que desean viajar a ese país; en donde hay infinidad de “oportunidades” para los habitantes de países tercermundistas quienes con encontrar un trabajo de cuidar ancianos, limpiar edificios, casas, podar jardines u otras cosas como camareros, lava chuchos, son labores que no realiza la raza blanca, los dueños de esa primer potencia mundial y tales ocupaciones se las dejan al inmigrante en especial al latino, quien se siente que alcanzó la cúspide en esa nación; aunque sea con salarios bajos que allí se pagan; sin embargo, estos sueldos jamás nunca alcanzados en sus países, son para ellos como una fortuna y hasta les sirve para enviar un poco de ello a sus familiares que están en sus naciones de origen viviendo en una situación deplorable.
Este “sueño americano”, se convierte en realidad para aquellos y en nuestro caso en especial como latinos, a las personas que no se prepararon formándose hasta terminar sus estudios universitarios y lo que les queda es realizar el viaje “a la tierra prometida, donde hay para todos”; pero no todos tienen un empleo igualitario; porque aquí quienes tienen la mejor fuente de trabajo son la raza blanca que en su mayoría son preparados, que hablan hasta cinco idiomas o más, con maestrías y doctorados, en muchas disciplinas etc…
Mientras que los inmigrantes son una masa humana de gente que apenas tiene secundaria, analfabetas y eso permite que agarran lo que les den; es decir, cualquier trabajo y la paga la ven como si se han ganado la lotería”. “Dios siempre acompaña al desvalido” AMEN.
      Is the change for better life which they imagine people, who wish to travel to that country; in where there are plenty of "opportunities" for people in third world countries who find a job caring for elderly, clean buildings, houses, trimming gardens or other things like waiters, washing mixed, are work that does not make the white race, the owners of that first world power and such occupations is let the immigrant especially Latino, who feels that it reached the pinnacle in that nation; even with low wages which are paid there; However, these salaries never ever achieved in their countries, are for them as a fortune up serves to send a little of it to relatives that are in their Nations of origin living in a deplorable situation. This "American dream", becomes a reality for those and in our case especially as latinos, people who were not prepared to forming up to finish their university studies and what they have is the trip "to the promised land, where there is for all"; but not all have equal employment; because those who have the best source of working here are the white race that are mostly prepared, who speak five languages, or more, with master's degrees and doctorates, in many disciplines etc... While immigrants are a mass human people who just you have secondary, illiterate and that allows you to grab what you give; "i.e., (Translated by Bing)
Alma Cardona El sueño americano es eso un sueño es la idea de tener otra opcion una oportunidad para cambiar el presente para procurar un futuro mejor con mejores oportunidades para nuestros hijos por supuesto aceptando sacrificios y todo eso que dice Ale pero para muchos es valido cuando el premio es ver a sus hijos profesionales y con mas calidad de vida..
The American dream is the idea of having another option, a chance to change the present to ensure a better future with better opportunities for our children of course accepting sacrifices and everything that says Ale but for many is valid when the prize is to see their professional children and with more quality of life.(Translated by Bing)